Manually Keyword Research From Google[Beginner guide 2021]


Manually Keywords Research From Google[Beginner guide 2021]

Manual keyword research is one of the best practices.  It is not a good idea for newcomers to do keyword research manually .. it is a matter of time and experience.

If you want to do it manually, you must search first.  Then you will identify how many titles, keywords are available, then you will identify them.

Also, there are other metrics that you need to follow.

Keyword Research - Manual data from Google

Keyword Research: We search for the kindle reviews phrase from the excel sheet by entering it in Google.  Then see how many results Google has got on the right side.  But the results that Google is actually showing here have only kindle results, only reviews have results, and there are also combined results of two phrases.  From which it can be said, not all pages may be optimized for the kindle review phrase.

Manually Keywords Research From Google[Beginner guide 2021]

Now we will search by putting the phrase kind "kindle review" in the quote.  See the number of results has come down a lot, here 80300 is showing.  In other words, we can say, kindle review exact phrase is being used somewhere in 80300 websites.  From here, things get trickier, and this is where the true meaning of "all" comes into play.

Manually Keyword Research From Google[Beginner guide 2021]

So we will use Google's advanced search term.

Manually Keyword Research From Google[Beginner guide 2021]

Keyword Research-Google it now: allintitle: kind "kindle reviews"

Keyword Research: If you look at the results showing only 7060, that is, the title tag of these websites has the word kindle reviews.  Since the title tag contains the word kindle reviews, we can assume that these sites are optimized for this phrase.  Since our site is highly relevant to this phrase, we can use it.  Now we need to notice a few more things.

Manually Keyword Research From Google[Beginner guide 2021]

Do a Google search for the kindle reviews phrase and look at the results - first, there is which is very famous and has been on the web for a long time, which means it will be very difficult to compete with it.

Manually Keyword Research From Google[Beginner guide 2021]

Enter the first link and see the word kindle reviews is nowhere to be found directly on this site, it probably has a lot of backlinks with the kindle reviews phrase.  No problem if you don't understand the meaning of backlink, we will discuss it one by one later.  We can take this phrase.

Now there is a big site like PCWorld in Google search.  So competition can be said to be much tougher.  If you wish, you can visit the first page sites of Google and see how they are optimizing their site for kindle reviews phrase.  In this way, choose a few more keywords one by one and find out the number of contestants by following the same procedure.

Manually Keyword Research From Google[Beginner guide 2021]

Then open our excel sheet and do searches by changing the heading of the Global monthly searches column and doing a new column called Allintitle next to it.  Now type 6060 in the Allintitle column directly in the kindle reviews phrase box.  Similarly, find out the allintitle number for other keywords, you can understand that it is a matter of time, so choose the highly related keywords very thoughtfully and find out the allintitle for them.  This way you can measure the competitiveness of the desired keyword for your site.  Hopefully, that will help you rank better next time.

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